La bague dite "en or" d'Oussama Ben Laden
Source : Ben Laden superstar.
Certains affirment que la vidéo ci-dessus est douteuse, en arguant que le sujet filmé (Ben Laden ou supposé comme tel) porte une bague "en or", alors que sa religion le lui interdit. Soit, mais comment fait-on pour déterminer le matériau de la bague qu'il porte, sur la simple observation de ces images, et à plus forte raison lorsque celles-ci sont de mauvaise qualité ? Cette anecdote illustre une des caractéristiques de la démarche conspirationniste : voir davantage que ce que la technique permet de faire...
Selon une démarche du même acabit, d'autres jouent aux Elizabeth Teissier de la sismographie : sur les enregistrements coïncidant avec les effondrements des WTC1 et WTC2, ils croient dénicher des preuves de la contribution d'explosifs.
Voir aussi :
- The bin Laden and Bush families have long-term business links?
- bin Laden was trained and funded by the CIA?
- A picture shows Zbigniew Brzezinski meeting Osama bin Laden?
- Al Qaeda doesn't exist?
- Bush signed directive W199I to pull the FBI off bin Laden's trail?
- bin Laden met a CIA agent only weeks before 9/11?
- Why was bin Laden named as a suspect so quickly?
- bin Laden denied responsibility for 9/11?
- There's no evidence bin Laden used the name al Qaeda until after 9/11?
- The bin Laden family were rushed out of the US after 9/11, when the airspace was still closed?
- The attack on Afghanistan (and America's continuing presence there) was all about getting bin Laden?
- The November 2001 bin Laden "confession" tape is an obvious fake?
- Swiss scientists are 95% sure that a 2002 Bin Laden recording was fake?
- Benazir Bhutto said bin Laden had been murdered by Omar Sheikh?
- Cheney said "we've never made the case... that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11"?
- Why isn't 9/11 listed on bin Laden's wanted poster? Is it because the FBI believe "there's no hard evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11"?
- Does image analysis show IntelCenter are involved in faking al Qaeda videos?
A propos des pirates de l'air :
- Some suspects were trained by the US military?
- Several suspects were identified by the Able Danger project in 2000?
- Israeli "art students" spied on the hijackers before the attacks?
- Mohamed Atta received $100,000 on orders of the chief of Pakistan's ISI?
- The hijackers used drugs, drank alcohol, went to strip clubs?
- There were no hijackers on the 9/11 passenger manifests?
- Amer Kamfar was originally on the manifest, but had to be dropped when it was found that he was still alive?
- Could these flight school dropouts really have flown the 9/11 planes?
- The passport recovered from the WTC must have been planted?
- The hijackers couldn't have been identified so quickly?
- Some of those named as hijackers are still alive?
- The FBI chief Robert Mueller said there's doubt over the hijackers identities?
- The hijackers remains can't have been identified by DNA?
A découvrir aussi
- BD "Ben Laden dévoilé" de Mohamed Sifaoui
- Implication du Mossad dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 ?